I met two or three men who were very kind to me. There was a magistrate who couldn't stand priests, and a priest who didn't have a good word to say for magistrates; and there was a landlord who let furnished rooms by the hour and spoke highly of both priests and magistrates, because both were his best clients. Pitigrilli
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Men build too many walls and not enough bridges. - Joseph Fort Newton

  2. There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action. - Unknown

  3. Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves. - George Gordon Byron

  4. Bigotry dwarfs the soul by shutting out the truth. - Edwin Hubbell Chapin

  5. Our love for our country is worth nothing if it deprives us of our sense of humanity, if it destroys positive consensus. - Janvier ChouteuChando

More Quotes By Pitigrilli
  1. The height of perfection is mediocrity.

  2. The alcoholic retains the ability to condemn his addiction and advise those not subject to it to avoid succumbing to the liquid poison. But the cocaine addict likes proselytizing; thus, instead of constituting a tangible warning, every victim of the drug acts as a source...

  3. Nature [provides] with the excitement of the dance in the interest of the reproduction of the species.

  4. Jealousy is a fever that arises from a stupid, baseless excitement in our unthinking brain. Jealousy is a phenomenon of auto-suggestion. The woman you love has gone to bed with X. You hate X, you hate her, and you have perpetually before your eyes the...

  5. I met two or three men who were very kind to me. There was a magistrate who couldn't stand priests, and a priest who didn't have a good word to say for magistrates; and there was a landlord who let furnished rooms by the hour...

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